OVERVIEWAndroid and iOS compatible App will store bar codes and Google Geo Location information into "Barcode__c" (a custom Salesforce Object) into your Salesforce database.You can in turn use a "trigger" to update other records as well.
VIDEOCheck out the brief video that helps to explain how versatile it is and how it can be customized to fit your specific business related needs.
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzUaycFL8Mo
DETAILSFor an additional fee, this app can be customized to meet your specific business needs.
Use this app for:
>> Updating the status of any product (noting condition, monitoring levels, recording due dates, etc.)>> Inventory management (find out what needs to be ordered, what products need to sell)>> Create a time card application - scan in, scan out function>> Monitor employee location or status (scan at departure, scan at arrival)>> Record meeting or event participation (attendance or lack there-of)>> Package or food delivery (scan at pick-up, scan at delivery)
This barcode scanner can be connected to our Salesforce Group & Activity Module. The attendees can be quickly checked in by using Android bar code reading capability.
You can use a trigger to interface with the rest of your SFDC Objects with bar codes easily.
Call us toll-free now at +1-800-428-9291Email:
[email protected]
SALESFORCE APP EXCHANGE LISTINGCheck out our AppExchange listing at Salesforce at the following URL:
>> https://appexchange.salesforce.com/listingDetail?listingId=a0N30000000qmVUEAY
APP WEBPAGECheck out the latest regarding the CIRCE Barcode Scanner to Salesforce at the following URL:
>> http://circesoftware.net/barcode-scanner-to-salesforce/
iTunes LISTINGIf you have some iOS users, there's an app for that as well. Check out our iOS related listing at:
>> https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/circe-barcode-to-salesforce/id1062030110